"DESCRIPTION 1"="If you have enabled the autostart of an Audio CD-ROM, Windows uses a program to play the CD."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Maybe you don't like the Windows CD-Player so you can enter your favorite player here."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="The default value for this setting is "cdplayer.exe /play %1" or "C:\PROGRA~1\PLUS!\DeluxeCD\deluxecd.exe /play %1".
"DESCRIPTION 4"="On Windows 2000, the default value is "%SystemRoot%\system32\cdplayer.exe /play %1"."
"DESCRIPTION 5"="If you are using WMP 7 or above, the command is "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /device:AudioCD "%L""."
"DESCRIPTION 6"="This setting can also be used to prevent others from being your default CD Player. We suggest EasyCD, a freeware, highly customizable and skinnable CD player for Win9x/NT/2000 at http://www.is.lt/linas/easycd/"
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"